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Awesome Accidental Hiking Picture

Went hiking with my wife in the Wichita Mountains in Oklahoma and when we do that, I always bring my camera just in case. We usually see Mountain Boomers and Prairie Dogs up close and everything else from the car as we drive in.
DSC_0258 This last time though, we were hiking through one of my favorite trails, come over a hill, and what do we see? A humongous herd of Longhorns. So I automatically grab the camera and start trying to plan some good shots. I don’t want to get too close and startle them, I know cattle well enough to know the warning signs of when they are uncomfortable. Not only were there very young calves, but also one very old bull as well as many many cows.DSC_0302

The bull was where I focused my precautionary radar. But also had to keep in mind the cows with their new calves. It took a while to get the shot perfectly into frame, but it really did turn out spectacular! Probably my favorite picture that I have taken!DSC_0289

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